Lifestyle Choices for Cancer Prevention: Small Changes, Big Impact

Cancer, a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many, is a complex and often mysterious disease that affects millions of lives worldwide. From lung cancer to breast cancer, its various forms can be devastating and life-altering so cancer prevention is necessary. 

Easy ways of cancer prevention

What if there were simple ways you could incorporate into your daily routine to reduce your risk of developing this formidable enemy? By making small changes in your lifestyle and habits, you can take proactive steps towards safeguarding your health and well-being. 

skin cancer prevention

Let’s dive in and discover how you can empower yourself with knowledge and action of cancer prevention  from knocking on your door.

Cut out sugary drinks

To prevent cancer, stop drinking sugary beverages. These drinks have empty calories and harmful additives that can cause skin and pancreatic cancer. Cutting back on these drinks can reduce your risk of getting these cancers.

Sugary drinks can also increase inflammation in your body, which is linked to cancer development. Instead, choose water, herbal teas, or infused water to reduce inflammation and stay healthy. This simple change can have a big impact on your health and help prevent cancer in the future.

breast cancer prevention

Eat “resistant starches”

Resistant starches can help fight cancer, especially colon cancer. These starches don’t get digested in the small intestine but ferment in the colon, making helpful compounds that can stop cancer growth. 

Eating more foods like green bananas, cooked and cooled potatoes, and legumes can boost your resistant starch intake and keep your gut healthy. A diet with lots of resistant starches not only prevents cancer but also supports good digestion. 

Stand more and sit less

Research shows that sitting for a long time may increase the chances of getting certain cancers like prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.

One way to stand more is to take short breaks during the day to stretch or walk. This not only reduces sitting time but also boosts circulation and reduces inflammation, which are important in cancer prevention .

Using standing desks or adjustable workstations can help you switch between sitting and standing while working, promoting a more active lifestyle without affecting productivity. 

Regular exercise

Small changes like these can make a big difference in lowering your cancer risk over time. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, like brisk walking or cycling, to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the chances of developing cancer.

Remember that every bit of activity counts, so find activities you enjoy to stay active consistently. By prioritizing movement and reducing sitting time, you can take proactive steps to prevent cancer and live a healthier life.

lung cancer prevention

Steam your broccoli

One easy way to prevent cancer is by eating steamed broccoli. Broccoli is full of nutrients and antioxidants that can lower the risk of different cancers like prostate and breast cancer. Steaming broccoli keeps most of its nutrients, making it a great choice for preventing cancer. 

Studies show that broccoli has compounds like sulforaphane that can stop cancer cell growth. By eating steamed broccoli regularly, you can lower your cancer risk. So, when planning your meals, think about adding some steamed broccoli for a tasty and cancer-fighting boost!

Eat Brazil nuts

Eating Brazil nuts can help prevent certain cancers like ovarian, cervical, and thyroid cancer. These nuts are full of nutrients that boost the immune system and reduce the risk of cell damage that can cause cancer. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, an antioxidant that protects cells from damage by free radicals. 

cancer prevention diet

Research shows selenium may reduce the risk of cancer, including ovarian and thyroid cancer. Adding Brazil nuts to your diet is an easy way to get enough selenium for good health. Besides fighting cancer, Brazil nuts are a tasty snack. You can add them to salads, smoothie bowls, or enjoy them on their own to increase your selenium intake and lower your cancer risk.

Eat garlic

One easy way to prevent cancer is by eating garlic. Garlic has compounds that can help fight cancer, especially esophageal and pancreatic cancer. Studies show that eating garlic regularly may stop cancer cells from growing and reduce inflammation in the body. 

Garlic can be added to many dishes, like soups and stir-fries, to make them tastier and healthier. By eating garlic every day, you can lower your chances of getting cancer. So, when you cook next time, think about adding some garlic for flavor and best against cancer prevention .

pancreatic cancer prevention

Eat cruciferous veggies

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale can help prevent cancer. Studies show these veggies have compounds that reduce the risk of cancers like esophageal and pancreatic cancer. 

Eating more cruciferous vegetables boosts your body’s defense against cancer. By adding  a serving of these veggies to your meals daily improves your health. Cruciferous vegetables are full of nutrients and antioxidants that fight cancer cells. Next time you shop, buy broccoli or Brussels sprouts for extra cancer protection. It’s an easy way to stay healthy!

Make a cancer-fighting dinner

You can make a cancer-fighting dinner by including foods high in antioxidants like berries, broccoli, and spinach. These foods can boost your immune system and protect against cell damage. Garlic and turmeric can help reduce inflammation in the body and lower the risk of certain cancers. 

Leafy greens such as kale and collard greens contain compounds that may fight cancer cells’ growth. Pairing these with lean proteins like fish or tofu can create a healthy meal. Being mindful of what you eat can help prevent diseases like bladder cancer and stomach cancer.

Eat artichokes

Artichokes are not only delicious but also packed with cancer-fighting compounds. Studies have shown that artichokes contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that can help prevent cancer by protecting cells from damage. Specifically, artichokes have been linked to reducing the risk of bladder and stomach cancers.

national cancer prevention month

Bladder cancer is often characterized by symptoms like blood in urine, frequent urination, and pain while urinating. Similarly, stomach cancer symptoms include indigestion, abdominal pain, and unexplained weight loss. Eating artichokes regularly can be a simple way stomach cancer prevention .

Get 15 minutes of sun a day

Getting just 15 minutes of sun each day can help prevent cancer. Sun exposure helps your body make vitamin D, which can lower your risk of different cancers. By spending short periods of time in the sun regularly, you give your body important nutrients that can help fight cancer cells. 

It’s easy to get your daily dose of sunlight. You can go outside during your lunch break or take a short walk in the morning. These small actions can reduce your risk of cancer. Remember, spending 15 minutes in the sun can be a simple and effective way of cancer prevention .

cervical cancer prevention

Marinate your meat

Grilling meat at high temperatures can create compounds known as heterocyclic amines, which have been linked to cancer. These compounds have the potential to harm DNA and contribute to the development of tumors in various parts of the body such as the colon, breast, prostate, and lymph cells. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota revealed that consuming charred meat regularly can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by up to 60 percent. 

Research published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry suggests that marinating red meat in beer or wine for two hours before cooking can help reduce the presence of these harmful compounds. Studies from Kansas State University show that applying rosemary onto raw meats can prevent the formation of these cancer-causing compounds by as much as 100 percent.

Drink green tea

Over the past decade, more than 50 research studies have explored the link between tea consumption and cancer risk, as reported by the National Cancer Institute. While results have varied due to differences in tea types and preparation methods, some studies suggest that tea drinkers may have a lower risk of certain cancers such as breast, ovarian, colon, prostate, and lung cancer. 

Green tea has been treasured for its medicinal properties in Asia for centuries, with some experts considering EGCG, a compound found in green tea, to be one of the most potent anti-cancer substances known due to its abundance of antioxidants.

ovarian cancer prevention

Eat less high-fat animal protein

According to studies by Harvard and Yale, eating red meat daily can increase the risk of dying from heart disease or cancer. Cancer prevention is better than its cure.

Women who consume a lot of animal protein have a higher chance of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. To reduce these risks, opt for low-fat dairy, poultry or fish over red meat, and use olive oil instead of butter.

prostate massage cancer prevention

Avoid dry cleaners

Lots of dry cleaners continue to use a chemical known as perc (perchloroethylene), which has been linked to kidney and liver damage as well as cancer from repeated exposure or breathing it in. 

To lower your contact with this harmful chemical, consider purchasing clothes that don’t need dry cleaning or washing them by hand. If you have to dry-clean your clothes, remember to take them out of the plastic bag and let them air out outdoors or in a different room before wearing them. 


Cancer prevention is possible with lifestyle changes and regular screenings. Eating fruits and vegetables, staying active, and avoiding tobacco can lower your cancer risk. Use sunscreen and limit sun exposure to protect against UV rays. Regular check-ups for early detection are important. These steps can reduce your chances of getting cancer and improve your overall health. 

Start making these changes now for a healthier life. By exercising, eating well, and avoiding tobacco, you can lower your cancer risk. Regular screenings and vaccinations can help catch issues early. Small changes in your routine can make a big difference. Take charge of your health today by following these simple steps. Your future self will thank you!


How do people fight cancer?

Chemothe­rapy: It uses specific drugs that weake­n or eliminate unsee­n cancer cells.
Radiation therapy: It e­mploys potent beams, akin to X-rays, for destroying cance­r cells. Hormone therapy: It pre­vents cancer cells from obtaining the­ hormones vital for their growth.

What is the hardest cancer to cure?

70% of individuals with pancreatic cance­r usually don’t receive any active­ treatment. 90% are diagnose­d at advanced stages that make surge­ry unrealistic. This means that surgery, pre­sently the lone cure­ option, is often unattainable. By 2026, it’s projecte­d that fatalities due to pancreatic cance­r will outnumber breast cancer de­aths.

Can cancer be 100% prevented?

No, Cancer cannot be 100% prevented. Experts say up to 50% of cancers in the United States can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices.
