8 Best Foods for  Lung health

As we go about our daily routines, the importance of our lungs often goes unnoticed until we find ourselves struggling for breath. Imagine if there was a way to support these vital organs not just with medication or treatment but through the very fuel we provide our body’s foods for lung health.

The best foods for lung health

In a world where pollution and respiratory illnesses are on the rise, taking care of your lungs has never been more crucial. Enter pulmonology doctors and a dietitian armed with a treasure trove of knowledge on the best foods for lung health. 


Salmon is good for your lungs because it has omega-3 fatty acids that reduce lung inflammation. It also has astaxanthin, which can improve lung function and protect against respiratory diseases.

foods for lung health


Turmeric is another good food for lung health because it helps reduce inflammation in the airways. Eating these foods can help improve lung health and respiratory function over time. Eating these fruits every day can help support your lung health and reduce the risk of serious conditions like metastatic lung cancer.

vitamins for lung health


Eating vegetables is important for keeping your lungs healthy. Vegetables like kale and spinach have antioxidants that protect your lungs from damage. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts also help your lungs by reducing the risk of infections. 


Taking supplements like Dr. Tobias Lung Health can also support your lung health. This supplement has ingredients that reduce inflammation in the lungs and improve breathing. Eating lots of vegetables and taking Dr. Tobias Lung Health can help you improve your overall lung health.

supplements for lung health


Eating fruits can help keep your lungs healthy. Some fruits are good for your lungs because they have antioxidants and vitamins. Blueberries have flavonoids that can reduce lung inflammation and improve airflow. Apples have quercetin, which is anti-inflammatory and good for lung health.    

Vitamin C

Naturally oranges are the best source of vitamin C. Oranges are also good foods for lung health. because they have vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and reduces the risk of respiratory infections. Oranges also have beta-cryptoxanthin, a substance that may lower the chances of getting lung cancer.

improve lung health


To keep your lungs healthy, focus on eating a balanced diet with protein-rich foods. Protein helps repair and maintain lung tissue, so it’s important for lung health. Include lean meats, fish, eggs, and dairy in your diet to support lung function.

Fair life protein shakes and protein powders are convenient options to boost your protein intake without added sugars. These protein-rich foods to your daily routine can help your lungs function well. Protein is essential for lung health and shouldn’t be overlooked.

best foods for lung health

Green tea 

Green tea has antioxidants like catechins and polyphenols that are good for your lungs. They can reduce inflammation and protect against asthma and bronchitis. The caffeine in green tea can help open up your airways and make breathing easier.

Green tea shots are a popular way to get these benefits quickly. They are concentrated with antioxidants and easy to include in your daily routine. Whether you drink them hot or cold, green tea shots are a convenient way to support lung health and give you a boost during the day.

tea for lung health

Foods to avoid

Avoid processed and fried foods

Avoid processed and fried foods to keep your lungs healthy. These foods are high in trans fats, which can cause inflammation and harm lung function. Cutting back on these foods can improve your respiratory health.

Limit dairy products

Limit dairy products as they can increase mucus production, leading to congestion and breathing problems. Try plant-based alternatives like almond milk or coconut yogurt instead. If you have asthma or COPD, stay away from trigger foods like dried fruits and wine that contain sulfites, which can worsen asthma symptoms.


It’s important to keep your lungs healthy for overall well-being, and what you eat is key. Pulmonologists and dietitians suggest eating  foods for lung health that help your breathing, like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and anti-inflammatory foods.

By making small changes to your diet, you can improve your lung health and lower the risk of respiratory problems. Choose foods that are good for your lungs to take control of your respiratory health. Pulmonologists and dietitians advise eating a mix of nutrient-rich foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to support your lungs.


How to improve lung health?

1. Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke to reduce your risk of lung disease and improve lung health.
2. Engage in regular physical activity to strengthen your lungs and maintain their health.
3. Do deep breathing exercises, such as pursed lips and belly breathing, to clear the lungs and improve lung function.

What are the top 10 herbs for lung health?

Top 10 Herbs for Lung Health

1. Bayberry
2. Yarrow
3. Plantain
4. Nettle
5. Oregon Grape
6. Peppermint
7. Oregano
8. Thyme
9. Eucalyptus
10. Lobelia

How to check lung health?

Lung tests, also known as pulmonary function tests, include a variety of tests to check how well the lungs are working. A common test is spirometry, which measures how much air the lungs can hold.

What is Cordyceps for Lung Health?

Cordyceps, particularly Cordyceps sinensis, has traditionally been used in Chinese medicine for its potential benefits for lung health.
