Best Kegel Exercises to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

You can Improve your pelvic health and sexual well-being with kegel exercises. The best kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, offering benefits like better bladder control and increased sexual pleasure.

 You are at the right place to learn  the best kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and improve your overall well-being.

During menopause, hormone levels in the body change, with estrogen and progesterone decreasing. These changes can affect the pelvic floor muscles, making them weaker. Lower estrogen levels can reduce elasticity and strength in this area. 

Staying active and being healthy also support pelvic floor health during menopause. Hormonal imbalances, such as low ACTH levels, can worsen pelvic floor problems.

The best kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic floor and offer many benefits. They can improve bladder control and prevent urinary incontinence, especially in women who have given birth or are getting older. These exercises help with postpartum recovery by toning muscles that may have stretched during childbirth. 

kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles

Men can benefit too, as Kegels can improve erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation by boosting blood flow to the genital area. Including Kegel exercises in your routine is a simple yet effective way to support your overall health and well-being.

One good exercise for menopausal women is the elevator exercise. Imagine your pelvic floor as an elevator with different levels. Tighten your muscles slowly, as if you are lifting the elevator from the ground floor to higher levels before releasing gently. 

Another helpful exercise is the bridge pose. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Lift your hips towards the ceiling while engaging your pelvic floor muscles.

Here are the recommended best kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor  muscles.

The basic Kegel exercises are simple but can have big benefits for both men and women. They strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and can improve sexual health. By squeezing and relaxing the muscles that control urination, people can enhance their sexual experiences. 

To do a basic Kegel exercise, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles like you’re stopping urine. Hold for a few seconds, then release and repeat. Remember to breathe properly to avoid tension in other areas. Regularly doing these exercises can increase self-awareness.

Lying Kegels

Lying kegels are a great way to exercise your pelvic floor muscles. Doing kegel exercises while lying down can help you focus better on these muscles and get a more effective workout. This position challenges your core stability in a new way and engages different muscle groups.

kegal exercise game

 It can improve bladder control, enhance sexual satisfaction, and reduce the risk of pelvic organ prolapse. Next time you’re relaxing on your bed or couch, try doing some lying kegels to strengthen your pelvic floor.

Isometric Kegels

Isometric Kegels are exercises that target the pelvic floor muscles. By contracting these muscles without moving, Isometric Kegels improve blood flow, sensitivity, and muscle tone. They are like playing a game that requires focus, patience, and endurance. 

You hold the contraction for a set time to work the muscles effectively. Doing these exercises regularly improves physical health and strengthens the mind-body connection.

Marches (also called toe taps)

Marches, also referred to as toe taps, are a straightforward workout that entails tapping the toes either on the floor or a lifted platform. Widely incorporated into fitness regimens and dance sessions, marches effectively engage the lower body muscles such as quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, and calves. 

kegal exercise machine

This exercise aids in fortifying the core muscles, which can alleviate back discomfort, enhance equilibrium, and boost trunk flexibility and rotation.

Pyramid Kegels

Pyramid kegels are a more advanced version of regular kegel exercises. This method involves gradually increasing and decreasing the strength of your muscle contractions in a pyramid pattern. You start with gentle squeezes and slowly work your way up to a strong contraction before easing back downs

One main benefit of pyramid kegels is better sexual satisfaction. Stronger pelvic floor muscles can enhance sexual arousal, improve orgasms, and overall sexual function. Mastering this technique can also help prevent issues like urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Burst Kegels

Burst Kegels are great for strengthening your pelvic floor prolapse  muscles and improving your sex life. These exercises involve quick contractions and releases, similar to stopping urine midstream. By mastering Burst Kegels, you can boost sexual performance, bladder control, and overall pelvic health.

kegal exercise balls

 Doing  Burst Kegels to your routine can enhance intimacy and lead to stronger orgasms. They also help maintain a balanced pH level in the pelvic area, supporting bladder control and vaginal tightness. .

Quick flick Kegels

Fast kegel flicks are a form of pelvic floor prolapse workout that require speedy contractions of the muscles in that area. These rapid movements focus on the quick-twitch muscle fibers of the pelvic floor, which play a key role in managing abrupt shifts in intra-abdominal pressure.

 You must add these quick flicks into your regular pelvic floor exercise regimen so it can be highly advantageous, especially when dealing with issues like urinary incontinence.

Weighted Kegels

Weighted Kegels make traditional kegel exercises more effective, especially for sexual health.. Weighted kegels can also help with bladder control, reduce urinary incontinence, and provide more support for pelvic organs.

kegal exercise tool

This is great for women who have given birth or are aging. Adding weighted kegel exercises to your regular workout routine can boost confidence and satisfaction in your sex life.

Happy Baby Pose

The Ananda Balasana, or Happy Baby Pose, is a popular stretch in yoga and Pilates that gently targets the hamstrings, inner thighs, and inner groin while also promoting openness in the hips, shoulders, and chest.

kegal exercise benefits

 This pose is commonly incorporated into the concluding relaxation phase of a yoga session to release tension, regulate breathing, and soothe the central nervous system.

When to see a doctor

Knowing when to see a doctor for the  best kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles is important. If kegel exercises haven’t helped, or if you have pelvic pain, bladder or bowel control issues, it’s time to consult a healthcare professional. 

Before starting a new pelvic floor routine after childbirth or pelvic surgery, it’s best to talk to a doctor for personalized advice. Your pelvic floor health is crucial for your overall well-being, so seek professional help when necessary.

You should  add the best kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles . These exercises are easy, convenient, and can be done anywhere. By doing kegels regularly, you can lower the chances of pelvic floor problems and improve bladder control. 

Start slowly and increase the intensity over time for the best results. Begin strengthening your pelvic floor today by including kegel exercises in your daily workout routine!


What is the best Kegel exercise for the pelvic floor?

One of the best exercises for the pelvic floor is the squeeze and release technique. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles as if you are stopping urine flow, hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat several times a day. Consistency is important for Kegel exercises, so try to do them daily for best results.

How long does it take to strengthen the pelvic floor with Kegels?

The time it takes to strengthen your pelvic floor with Kegel exercises varies. Factors like how often you do them and how strong your muscles are can affect this. Most people see improvements in a few weeks with regular Kegel exercises.

What is the 4 3 2 method for Kegel exercises?

The 4 3 2 method for Kegel exercises is an easy way to make your pelvic floor muscles stronger. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles for 4 seconds, then relax for 3 seconds, and tighten again for 2 seconds. Do this 10-15 times in a row, three times a day. This exercise can help with muscle control, bladder control, and sexual function. Remember to breathe normally and avoid holding your breath.

How many Kegels should you do a day?

Experts suggest doing 10-15 Kegel exercises, three times daily, totaling 30-45 squeezes. If you’re new, start with fewer and increase gradually. Consistency matters, so do them regularly. Consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice on the number of Kegels based on your needs.

What happens if I do 100 Kegels a day?

Doing 100 Kegel exercises every day can make your pelvic floor muscles stronger. This helps with bladder control, reduces leaks, and improves sexual satisfaction. It’s important to be consistent and do Kegel exercises daily. Start with a few reps and increase slowly as you get stronger. Don’t do too much to avoid muscle fatigue. Pay attention to how your body feels and make changes if needed.


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