Energy Zappers: 22 Unexpected Culprits That Drain Your Vitality

It’s important to be aware of things that can make us feel tired every day and surprisingly drain your energy. Too much screen time and a messy space can affect how we feel. By recognizing and fixing these habits, we can feel more energized.

things surprisingly drain your energy

Things that surprisingly drain your energy

Always remember to take care of yourself and make changes to feel more energetic. Start now by making small changes to create a more energizing space for yourself! Be mindful of things that can make us feel tired during the day.

By knowing about these energy drains, you can reduce their impact and feel more focused. Remember to take care of yourself with exercise, mindfulness, and enough rest to boost your energy.

 Let’s work on getting rid of these energy drains and live a more vibrant life!

Too much caffeine

Having too much caffeine can make you feel more tired instead of giving you energy. While a cup of coffee can give you a quick boost, having too much can make you jittery and anxious, making you even more tired. 

The amount of caffeine in coffee can vary a lot depending on how it’s made and the type of beans. For example, an 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee has about 95 milligrams of caffeine, while the same amount of espresso has about 63 milligrams. On the other hand, green tea can give you a steady energy boost without the jitters because it has a mix of caffeine and L-theanine, which helps keep you alert.

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Multitasking may seem useful in today’s fast-paced world, but it can surprisingly drain your energy more than you think. Switching between tasks makes your brain work harder, causing mental fatigue and reducing productivity. Multitasking also raises stress levels by increasing cortisol, leading to more anxiety and overwhelm. 

In reality, true multitasking  doing multiple tasks at the same time effectively  is mostly a myth. Our brains aren’t built for such complex processes, so trying to multitask beyond our limits results in lower efficiency and more exhaustion.


Dehydration, often underestimated but a major energy drain that many people overlook. It’s not just about feeling thirsty; dehydration can cause a range of physical issues that zap your energy levels. 

One surprising thing that contributes to dehydration is the food we eat. Certain foods are high in sodium and sugar, leading to increased water loss and making it easier to become dehydrated.

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Did you know that even mild dehydration can lead to headaches? 

When the body lacks proper hydration, blood volume decreases, affecting how oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the brain. This can trigger dehydration headaches and leave you feeling fatigued and unfocused. 

Checking Facebook in bed 

Checking Facebook in bed can make you feel more tired than you think. The blue light from your device can mess up your sleep and leave you feeling tired the next day. Scrolling through Facebook before bed can keep your brain active and make it hard to relax for a good night’s sleep. 

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Being iron-deficient

Many people are unaware that certain habits or factors in their lives could be draining their energy levels due to iron deficiency. For example, vegans are at a higher risk of being iron-deficient as plant-based sources of iron are not always as easily absorbed by the body as animal-based sources.

By consuming too much coffee or tea can hinder iron absorption, leaving you feeling fatigued and lethargic.

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Menstrual periods in women

Heavy menstrual periods can also lead to iron deficient anemia in women, causing symptoms such as weakness and exhaustion. It is important for individuals to be mindful of these surprising factors that can impact their energy levels and overall well-being. 

Making small dietary adjustments, such as incorporating more iron-rich foods into your meals or reducing caffeine intake, can help combat the effects of iron deficiency and boost your energy levels significantly.

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Sleeping with your mouth open

Sleeping with your mouth open can make you feel tired. It dries out your mouth and throat, making you wake up groggy. This disrupts your sleep and leaves you less rested. To avoid this, use a humidifier in your room to keep the air moist. 

Bad posture

Bad posture can also surprisingly drain your energy. Slouching or hunching over can cause muscle tension and exhaustion. Practice good posture by sitting up straight, aligning your spine, and taking breaks to stretch. Remember, good posture is important for keeping your energy levels up.

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Skipping the gym

Skipping the gym can sometimes feel like a guilty pleasure, but there are surprising things that can surprisingly drain your energy even more than a missed workout session. When you are not active physically then you will become mentally fatigue and tired 

Lack of sleep

One culprit is lack of sleep. When you skip those precious hours of rest, your body and mind suffer, leading to decreased energy levels throughout the day. When your mind is not relaxed and you feel sleepy then how can you imagine being active in life activities.

Negative emotions and stress

Another unexpected energy drainer is holding onto negative emotions and stress.These invisible weights can burden your mental state and zap your vitality without you even realizing it.This is the thing that everybody is passing through and should overcome to be active in life.


Poor nutrition 

Believe it or not, poor nutrition choices can also be a major energy sucker. Your body needs proper fuel to function optimally, so skipping meals or indulging in unhealthy snacks can leave you feeling sluggish and tired. It’s important to listen to your body’s signals and prioritize self-care in all aspects of your life, not just at the gym.

Being a perfectionist

Perfectionism can make us feel stressed and anxious, even though we often link it to striving for excellence. Trying to be perfect in every part of our lives can be tiring and not very helpful. Perfectionists focus too much on small details and forget about the bigger picture, which can make them feel exhausted and unhappy.

Afraid of failing

One thing that can surprisingly drain your energy is being afraid of failing. Always aiming for best can make you scared of making mistakes, which can lead to delaying things and not being able to decide. This fear not only makes you tired but also stops you from taking risks and growing. To feel less drained, try to see failure as a chance to learn, not as a sign of your value. 

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Thinking too much 

Another thing that can tire out s is spending too much time analyzing situations and results. Thinking too much about every decision or action can be mentally exhausting and cause decision fatigue. 

Trusting your instincts and accepting that things don’t have to be perfect can save your mental energy and reduce stress in the long term. Embracing imperfection leaves space for growth, creativity, and strength when facing challenges.


Slouching is a small habit that can make you feel very tired. It strains your muscles, makes your posture bad, and stops oxygen from flowing well in your body. This can leave you feeling worn out and lacking energy. To fight the tiredness from slouching, it’s important to pay attention to how you sit and stand during the day.

Not doing  stretching exercises

Sitting up straight, lining up your shoulders with your hips, and keeping your head level can help you feel better. Doing stretching exercises and taking breaks to stand up and move around can also help relax your muscles from slouching. If you make good posture a priority, you’ll have more energy and feel better in the long run.

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An out-of-whack thyroid

Ever wondered why your energy levels seem to fluctuate for no apparent reason? It could be due to an out-of-whack thyroid. Surprisingly, stress can greatly impact your thyroid function, throwing it off balance and leaving you feeling drained.

This small but mighty gland plays a huge role in regulating metabolism and energy production.Thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism are also common culprits behind low energy levels. 

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That wine you had last night

Drinking wine can be enjoyable, but did you know that some wines, like rose or sweet dessert wines, can make you feel tired due to their high sugar content? While wine is often linked to relaxation, drinking too much can disrupt your sleep and leave you feeling drained the next day. 

Not balancing  between enjoying and staying healthy

Alcohol can also dehydrate you, making you feel tired and sluggish. It’s important to find a balance between enjoying wine and staying healthy to avoid feeling tired. Remember to drink wine in moderation to keep your energy levels up and fully enjoy your glass.

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Saying yes to coworkers too frequently

It can be tough to decline requests at work when you’re trying to be a team player. However, a study by Michigan State University revealed that constantly being asked for help by colleagues in the morning can lead to mental fatigue and reduced productivity for the rest of the day.

Collaborating and assisting others is crucial in the workplace, but sometimes saying no or offering help later can positively impact your mood and energy levels


Feeling tired even after sleeping enough? It might not just be lack of rest. Habits like relying too much on caffeine, trying to do many things at once, or using social media in bed can surprisingly drain your energy. Dehydration, low iron levels, sleeping with your mouth open, aiming for perfection, and even slouching can also make you feel tired. This article will explore these surprising reasons that may be making you feel exhausted.


What causes energy draining?

Feeling tired is often caused by stress, lack of sleep, bad diet, and lifestyle choices. Here are some tips to help you feel more energized.

What foods decrease energy?

Eating processed white bread, pasta, and rice can make you feel tired and slow. These foods are high in carbohydrates, which increase the production of a neurotransmitter called serotonin. Serotonin can make you feel content and sleepy.

What negative people drain energy?

An energy vampire is someone who makes you feel tired and drained after spending time with them. It’s not an official term, but a way to describe someone who takes away your energy. It’s not as mysterious as it may seem.

Can sleep surprisingly drain your energy?

Many people feel tired and lazy when they hit the snooze button multiple times. Research shows that oversleeping can lead to low energy levels.

Can overthinking surprisingly drain your energy?

Overthinking pulls you inward, draining the energy you need for the world outside for relationships, hobbies, and tasks that have nothing to do with your worries. It becomes a relentless critic, undermining your confidence, shaking your self-esteem, and clouding your decision-making abilities.
